In recent years, custom sneakers have become an integral part of the sneaker community. There are many good sneaker brands in the market right now and they offer some of the best shoes for sneakerheads based on their preferences and demands. Even so, when it comes to completely satisfying the fans, it is next to impossible, and that's when the role of a sneaker customizer comes in.
The people who make them are the biggest sneakerheads themselves and with their love for sneakers and artistic creativity, they create attractive customized sneakers based on various trending themes.
In the past month, a wide range of custom sneakers have surfaced on the internet.
Barbie MSCHF Big Red Boot and 4 other best custom sneakers of July 2023
1) Barbie MSCHF Big Red Boot
The two most trending factors from the fashion world and the sneaker world are associated with this custom sneaker. One is Barbie and the other is Big Boot from MSCHF. In the past month, the hype over both of these has reached an all-time high, and as such, the creator @antonio_ilgrande has created a product combining these two.
A Barbie-themed MSCHF Big Red Boot is covered in pink color with a Barbie logo on top of the boot. It looks like a classy Barbie boot. However, it is a shame that it will not see a public release.
2) Akira Dunk Low
Sneakerheads would know that Classè Circus is a well-known Instagram user for creating attractive custom sneakers. The recent work of the artist is the Akira Dunk Low. The interior panels have artwork, and the Akiras bike decal is spread throughout the outer panels in a greyscale gradient.
On the swoosh, a toned town Akira red provides a beautiful contrast. The artwork was created to be flat, with less emphasis on some of the artsy character work and more emphasis on a factory level, which complemented the vibe overall.
3) New Balance 991 Sunflower
GmN Shoe Doc., another sneakerhead, specifically a fan of New Balance sneakers, has made various custom sneakers from NB. And his recent custom work was on New Balance 991.
This sneaker model is known for premium materials such as genuine leather and breathable textiles. Due to this, the demand for this New Balance sneaker is quite high. As such, GmN Shoe Doc. made a perfect summer-ready custom sneaker New Balance 991 Sunflower.
4) Barbie Air Max 1
This is yet another sneaker model inspired by the Barbiecore trend. For this custom sneaker, Simon Steenberg and @am1ent have come together to work on Air Max 1. For this pair, the creators have taken inspiration from @glitchedgarbage, another sneakerhead and shoe customizer.
The inspiration for the Air Max 1 Barbie has been taken from the conceptual Nike SB Dunk Low Barbie sneakers from @glitchedgarbage. It is quite evident that sneaker customizers are quite enthusiastic about making Barbie-themed shoes due to the hype of the recently-released film.
5) Air Jordan 1 Black Panther vs Killmonger
This is another piece of amazing custom sneaker on one of the highly coveted sneaker models, Air Jordan 1 high. Javier Carabias Sánchez has made it extremely classy.
The theme of this sneaker is based on Black Panther vs Killmonger, the iconic duo from the Black Panther movie. This custom sneaker must have a special place for a hardcore Wakanda fan.
In addition to the extraordinary theme, the detailed artwork on the sneaker pair is also quite noticeable. The customization incorporates some really great artwork and brilliant color combinations.
These are some of the best custom sneakers from July 2023. However, the sad part is that fans won't be able to get their hands on these sneaker pairs as these will not be released, just like most custom sneakers.
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