Shaquille O'Neal cracked up Stephen A. Smith during one of Friday's 'First Take' on-air segments. O'Neal impersonated a Texan, going by the name of 'Tex Johnson.' Shaq hilariously tried to pretend it wasn't him, but Smith understood in a split second that it was the four-time MVP on the other end of the call.
O'Neal spared some time to brag about his favorite NFL team, Dallas Cowboys' 2-0 start to the new season. He made a decent attempt at adding the twist of a Texan Accent to his passionate talks about the Cowboys, leaving Smith in splits.
"This ain't Shaq, it's Tex Johnson," said O'Neal. "I want you to talk about the Cowboys now, son. 2-0, shut your face. Shut your face! This is Tex Johnson from Albeilien, Texas. How you doin', son? 2-0 baby, Cowboys' nation forever. What up, Stephen A.?"•

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Shaquille O'Neal has played Tex Johnson prank on Stephen A. Smith before
Stephen A. Smith didn't fall for Shaquille O'Neal's 'Tex Johnson' impersonation this time because the former had used that prank four years ago. Smith fell for it that time. O'Neal and he got into a debate, and Smith went minutes without realizing it was the NBA legend he was talking to all this while.
"First of all you gotta take that damn Cowboy hat off," Shaq told Smith on the Stephen A. Show. "I'm talking about the damn Cowboys, you understand me, son?"O'Neal then passionately ranted against Smith for berating the franchise's performances. He asked him to stop making fun of the Cowboys, which left Smith stunned as he was still unaware of who he was actually talking to.
"This is my show. I do what the hell I want on my show. JC Garrett deserves to go and that's that," responded Stephen A.Shaquille O'Neal hilariously squandered his prank after telling Stephen A. Smith that he knew where he lived.
"Listen, I know you got a big old fancy house up there in New York or Jersey. I got some horses that'll come and do some business on your lawn," said Shaq.Smith then caught O'Neal, who couldn't hold it anymore. Smith pressed the former Lakers superstar about revealing his identity, and O'Neal cracked up despite his best efforts to hold up the prank.
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