The mother of the child of NBA big man Christian Wood reportedly bit an Instagram model on the eye following an altercation over the 28-year-old player. The Wags Unfiltered site reported on the development in a series of posts on Instagram.
Involved was Yasmine Lopez, who recently gave birth to a son with Wood, and a Plastics Instagram model the site referred to as ‘Mariah.’ The posts showed a clip of the alleged biting incident between the two women plus further proof sent by the model that the incident happened.
Check out the screenshots of the series of posts made by Wags Unfiltered on Instagram below:

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The UNLV product went undrafted in 2015 but was eventually signed by the Philadelphia 76ers. After spending his first year in Philly and its NBA Development League affiliate Delaware 87ers, he had stops in Charlotte, Milwaukee, New Orleans and Detroit.
Christian Wood got the breakthrough he wanted as a member of the Houston Rockets, where he played for two seasons from 2020 to 2022, averaging 19.1 points, 9.9 rebounds and one block.
However, he was on the move again at the start of the 2022-23 NBA season, traded to the Dallas Mavericks. He played 67 games with the team, chalking up averages of 16.6 points, 7.3 rebounds and 1.1 blocks.
He played in each of the Lakers’ two preseason games so far coming off the bench, averaging 7.5 points and five rebounds in 21 minutes of play.
Christian Wood expected to play "considerable" role with Lakers
Christian Wood signed for a veteran’s minimum contract with the Los Angeles Lakers this offseason that would net him approximately $2.7 million this season. He, however, is seen playing a considerable role in the team.
In an article of Jovan Buha for The Athletic, Wood is said to feature prominently in the rotation of the Lakers, including in a twin-tower setup at times alongside NBA All-Star Anthony Davis.
Buha wrote:
"Despite signing a veteran’s minimum contract, Wood is expected to have a considerable role for the Lakers off the bench, flanking Anthony Davis in two big lineups and helping hold down the paint when Davis rests. The Lakers’ crowded rotation is even more cramped now."In the two-year contract signed by Wood with the Lakers, it is stipulated that he would earn $2.7 million in the first year. He has a player option on the second year, which if he decides to opt into would pay him $3 million for the season.
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