Girl Scouts have streamlined the cookie ordering process. Here's how you can find cookies in your area and support your local troops.

Kelly Corbett - Author

Greetings, cookie lovers! I am a former Girl Scout and longtime Thin Mint enthusiast. Back in my cookie hawking days, I used to knock on doors (with parental supervision) and peddle Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, Shortbreads, and all the other delicious flavors to my local community.

“I’ll put you down for three boxes of Thin Mints and two boxes of S’mores,” I’d tell my patrons as I diligently marked my chart up with their deets.

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Looking back, these cookies were the easiest thing I've ever sold (well, besides my soul to capitalism). Why? Because everyone (read: neighbors, extended family, the random ladies at my mom’s hair salon) wanted some.

It made me think that I could work in sales. But as I've learned, it wasn’t my marketing tactics or cute toothless smile that moved the cookies. It was the fact that Girl Scout cookies were so delicious and sought-after, and I just happened to have an order form.

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In the early 2000s, you needed to know a Girl Scout in order to buy cookies, as she would be responsible for hand-delivering all of the orders to her customers. Selling to strangers or folks outside the area was not allowed.

But today, times have changed. You don’t even need to know what a Girl Scout troop is to get your hands on some Do-si-dos — you just need to know how to use the Internet.

Keep scrolling to learn how you can track down some Girl Scout Cookies online.

Here's how to find Girl Scout Cookies online in 2023.

Although the Girl Scouts still say that "the best way to buy cookies is to order them directly from a local Girl Scout," and that you can find cookies being sold in your area by contacting the local Girl Scout Council, they know that not everyone has those sweet, sweet connections on lock.

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So the Girl Scouts has digitalized and simplified its cookie-selling process.

Now, anyone (!) can search for Girl Scout Cookies in their area by either visiting, texting COOKIES to 59618, or downloading the official free Girl Scout Cookie Finder app on iOS or Android devices.

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During the selling season, which begins in January in most states, cookie booths will likely be set up in your area too, so you can stop by in person and purchase some cookies while supporting your local troop.

Previously, information regarding a cookie booth's location and hours wasn't available on the internet.

But if you're unable to find a cookie booth, there may be an even easier option.

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You can order Girl Scout Cookies online and have them delivered to your home starting on Feb. 27.

This sounds like a dream, right? Well, let me let you in on a little secret: During the 2021 selling season, Girl Scouts unveiled a new feature that allowed anyone to use its Girl Scout Cookie Finder website to purchase cookies from a local Girl Scout troop and have them shipped directly to their home. Yup, getting off the couch wasn't even required.

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Per a Girl Scouts press release, online ordering for Girl Scout cookies in 2023 will open up on Feb. 27. (You may be able to find a local booth before then, depending on your location.) All you have to do come Feb. 27 is head to to order.

There's actually brand-new cookie that is only available for purchase online, in case you need more convincing.

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What's the new Girl Scout Cookie for 2023?

The Girl Scouts are excited to introduce the Raspberry Rally, a new cookie, to the lineup for 2023. It is described as a "thin, crispy cookie infused with raspberry flavor and dipped in chocolatey coating." Basically, it looks like a raspberry-flavored Thin Mint.

But, while the Raspberry Rally may look like a Thin Mint, the Girl Scouts assure us that "these cookies have a delicious taste that’s all their own." Raspberry Rally cookies are only available to be purchased online and shipped directly to your home, so make sure to go to on Feb. 27 to order yourself a box ... or three ... or six.
