The Judgment Day's Damian Priest and Finn Balor are set to defend their Undisputed Tag Team Championship against The Creed Brothers next week on WWE RAW. However, the tandem could lose their title to the popular duo due to a three-time champion's interference.

The superstar in question is none other than Dominik Mysterio. As you may know, Ex-con Dom lost his NXT North American Championship to Dragon Lee at NXT Deadline 2023.

While Dominik was originally scheduled to lock horns with Wes Lee at the event, the latter's unfortunate injury forced WWE to replace him with Dragon Lee in the match.

The momentum swung back and forth throughout the high-stakes bout; however, Lee managed to defeat Dom to win the coveted title. Surprisingly, none of the Judgment Day members were in Dom's corner during the clash.

Following his loss, an irate Dominik lashed out at his faction for not being in his corner for the high-profile match. Given the recent turn of events, the company could throw a massive curveball at fans in the coming days.

The creative team could shock fans by having Dominik turn on his faction. The former NXT North American Champion could make his presence felt during the Undisputed Tag Team title match next week to cost Damian Priest and Finn Balor their title.

The three-time champion could potentially betray his faction, leading to the implosion of The Judgment Day.

Dominik Mysterio expressed his disappointment with The Judgment Day members

As mentioned earlier, following his loss against Dragon Lee at NXT Deadline, a frustrated Dominik Mysterio expressed his disappointment with his fellow Judgment Day members.

In a backstage interview, the former NXT North American Champion called out the entire faction for not being there for him.

"You all saw what happened to me out there. I am the greatest NXT North American Champion that's ever been. Dragon Lee, my deadbeat dad? Where's Judgment Day? Where's Finn, where's Damian, JD, Mami? You know what, I'm gonna go home to Mami because Judgment Day runs all and this shouldn't be happening," said Dom.

Do you think Dominik Mysterio will turn babyface in the coming days? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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