Dorinda Medley

We adore Dorinda Medley. We love that she has done it all. She’s grown up and worked her way to the top of her game. She’s paid her dues. She’s owned a company. She’s worked with the late Princess Diana. She’s got a sense of humor. She’s not afraid to say what’s on her mind, and she’s never one to back down when she is passionate about something. She’s a giver, she’s a good friend to those who prove they are a good friend to her, and she’s always willing to open up her life to people she enjoys – until they show her they’re not worthy of being part of it. She might not get along with Bethenny Frankel, she might adore Yolanda Hadid, and she might not always be the most popular housewife (ever one of them goes through that at some point or another) but she’s a fighter, and she’s made it. Have you checked out her latest tweets recently? If not, you might be surprised just how much she has to offer. Did we mention we adore her?

And that should’ve been where @Bethenny stopped… until they were in private.

— Dorinda Medley (@DorindaMedley) August 18, 2016

She Speaks the Truth  Listen, when you get a group of women together like this, there are bound to be differences and disagreements. However, Dorinda makes a good point when she says that sometimes you have to let things go and move on from them until you have a bit of privacy. We like to call that respect and class over here.

OMG. #OMG. #O #M #G @ladygaga #dying — Dorinda Medley (@DorindaMedley) August 18, 2016

She Loves Lady Gaga

We don’t consider ourselves baby monsters or whatever her fans love, but we love some Lady Gaga; and we love that Dorinda loves her, too. She’s a class act with her ability to be herself and still stand up for what’s right. It’s takes one to know one, right?

#MCM with the #wonderful @samchampion!!!! What a #lovely #charming #handsome #man am I right?! #friends #NBC #RHONY

— Dorinda Medley (@DorindaMedley) August 15, 2016

Who Doesn’t Love Sam Champion? Could these two be any more adorable together? The correct answer is no, they cannot be any more adorable together. Is it just me or does it seem as though these two could actually be my friends in real life? I’m just saying; I’m a lot of fun! #Callme

Such an #amazing #color on these!! #beautiful #summer #TheBerkshires #flowers #blooms #garden #BlueStoneManor #RHONY — Dorinda Medley (@DorindaMedley) August 14, 2016

She Stops and Smells the Roses 

Or more accurately, she stops and smells whatever these are. They’re not roses and I have a desperate brown thumb, but I can see they’re gorgeous. We love a person who takes a few minutes to share the simplistic beauty of the world around them. It’s gorgeous.

#Cheers to THAT and cheers to US!!! #quote #wordstoremember #RHONY

— Dorinda Medley (@DorindaMedley) August 10, 2016

Every. Single. Day. 

I love strong women. I love them, I admire them, and I hope to raise three of them. My girls are 8, 5 and 2 (and my sweet little two-year-old is a twin with a twin brother), and my husband and I work hard every single day to model strength, dignity and class for them so that they call grow up to be strong women (and a strong little man). I like that Dorinda Medley is a strong woman, that she appreciates strong women, and that she stands up for strong women everywhere. You go, girl.

Photo by Getty Images 
