Mary-Brian Clarke, a public relations employee in the fashion industry and the girlfriend of late model Jeremy Ruehlemann, died on March 21, just two months after the tragic death of her boyfriend, according to People magazine. “Arriving at the gates of heaven in one of many pairs of unique sunglasses, more rings than her fingers could hold, and either a furry jacket or hat and a one-of-a-kind pair of trendy sneakers, and that magnificent smile that was a magnet for all,” Clarke’s family said in an obituary. They remembered her for “her contagious laugh, her witty sense of humor and her unique ability to connect with others,” calling her “a light to everyone who knew her.” Clarke had recently mourned Ruehlemann’s death on Instagram, posting a slideshow of the two of them with the caption, “I love you forever & miss you everyday.” Causes of death for Clarke and Ruehlemann have not been released.

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