First of all, I cannot believe how many gossip stories have started with “Tom Arnold did/said something” in the YEAR 2019. Such is the strange way of life these days. So, here’s something that Tom Arnold said last week, as it seemed like all of Hollywood – and all of America – was focused on Operation Varsity Blues and the indictments of Lori Loughlin, her husband Mossimo Giannulli and Felicity Huffman (amongst nearly 50 other indicted peeps). Tom Arnold chimed in with this:
Couple wks ago I got into it with for 10th time with #CollegeCheatingScandal DAD at big party cause his sloppy ass was rambling on again about Trump & people carrying their own weight & his own conservative politics being “right of Attila the Hun” He embarrassed Scandal Mom again
— Tom Arnold (@TomArnold) March 13, 2019
Did anyone think that Tom Arnold was referring to Felicity Huffman and William H. Macy? I’m sure some people thought it could be them, but other outlets looked into Arnold’s claims and guess what, Mossimo Giannulli is the Trump-supporting dumbass.
Sources told Page Six that the “dad” in question was Mossimo Giannulli, the fashion designer husband of “Full House” star Lori Loughlin. We’re told that the argument with Arnold went down at Steve Tisch’s 70th birthday party at the Hollywood Palladium last month.
A spy seconded Arnold’s account, telling Page Six, “Mossimo was talking about how he agrees with Trump, and that people need to carry their own weight. He was saying there’s a lot of ‘takers’ out there and entitled people.”
One interesting thing that this whole College Cheating Scandal has done is bring up a larger conversation about affirmative action admissions and what it means to “deserve” admission to an elite college, or any college, really. You can’t tell me that a black, Hispanic or Asian student with straight-As and a million extracurriculars should be shunned – or be considered an “affirmative action admission” – in favor of the Olivia Jade Giannullis of the world, the entitled mediocrities who cheat their way through life and aim to fail up just so their parents have “bragging rights.” That’s one of the things that has bugged me about the story of the Loughlin-Giannulli side of the story – they’re just Trumps without the sphere of influence. They’re mediocre and they think they’re special. They think the rules don’t apply to THEM.
Anyway, yes, it’s funny/dumb/tragic that Mossimo Giannulli is a Trump-supporting a–hole who thinks people should pull themselves up their bootstraps by… illegally bribing college & NCAA officials. We been knew that these parents are the embodiment of hypocrisy and white privilege, but here’s more evidence. The icing on the f–king cake about this though is that Don Trump Jr. was trying to “dunk” on these parents last week, until he was reminded that his father (legally) bribed college officials to get HIM into college too. It’s like a snake eating its tail, this circle of self-owning.
Photos courtesy of Getty.