Read ahead for the Persona 5 Royal Priestess Confidant Makoto Niijima guide. The confidant abilities, available days, and dialogue options can be found below.
Beware for slight spoilers!
Makoto Niijima Confidant Guide
Makoto Niijima is the Priestess Confidant in Persona 5 Royal. She is also a romanceable character. Rank 3 Knowledge (Scholarly) is required to start her Confidant.
Maxing out her Confidant unlocks the fusion of Cybele. The player will also receive an item from her near the end of the game which will unlock the abilities “Shadow Factorization” once Makoto's Confidant is unlocked in New Game Plus.
Makoto Niijima Availability
You can spend time with Makoto on Tuesday (Day), Thursday (Day), Saturday (Day), and Sunday (Day). On Rainy days, Makoto is available whether it is Day or Night. She can be found on the third floor of Shujin Academy near the student council room. On some days, she can be found in front of the school gate.
Note that some events in the game may override this.
Makoto Niijima Confidant Skills
- Rank 1 – Shadow Calculus
- Allows you to see skills and potential item drops on the analysis screen.
- Rank 2 – N/A
- Rank 3 – Girl Talk
- If negotiation with a martial arts-using Shadow fails, you can try again.
- Rank 4 – Follow Up
- Chance to perform a follow-up attack if Joker's attack does not down the enemy
- Rank 5 – N/A
- Rank 6 – Harisen Recovery
- Chance to cure status ailments inflicted upon party members
- Rank 7 – Shadow Factorization
- Allows you to see Null, Repel, and Drain when highlighting a target in battle.
- Rank 8 – Endure
- Chance to withstand an otherwise fatal attack with 1 HP remaining
- Rank 9 – Protect
- Chance to shield Joker from an otherwise fatal attack
- Rank MAX – Second Awakening
- Transform Makoto's Persona into a mythological trickster.
- Rank MAX – Second Awakening R
- Fuse with the mythological trickster, awakening its true power.
Makoto Niijima Dialogue Options Guide
The affection points below assume that you have a Persona of the Priestess arcana.
The lines below contain significant spoilers about Makoto.
Rank 1 (rank 3 Knowledge required)
- “I think… I-I will need to broaden my horizons somewhat.”
- What do you plan on doing? 0
- Way to go, advisor! 0
- “But… I struggle with that. There seems to be a disparity between my tastes and those of my peers…”
- That's not true. 0
- You're totally right. 0
- “Where do people usually go for fun?”
- The movie theater. 0
- Karaoke. 0
- The arcade. 0
- “I'm not sure if it will broaden my horizons per se, but simply studying won't get me anywhere.”
- Let's go now. 0
- It'll be a field trip. 0
- “……”
- Want to try it? 0
- You can do it. 0
- It'll be an experience. 0
- “Oh, so this is how it is.”
- Well, what did you think? 0
- You were really into it… 0
- You're a real gamer. 0
- “I wonder if I could apply some of the techniques I learned here during battle.”
- You're so sharp. 0
- That might just work. 0
- “Interesting. I would've never thought about coming here before.”
- You really stood out. 0
- You still have much to learn. 0
- That was a new side of you. 0
- “I might be able to give the team more ideas if I can gain increased knowledge outside of my studies.”
- Ideas? 0
- I don't mind. 0
- I look forward to it. 0
- “I’ve had all kinds of new experiences today… and it's even been a little fun.”
- Let's go again sometime. +3
- It's a new you. +3
- The red-light district next? +3
Rank 2
- “I heard there were quite a few brothels as well.”
- You're very well informed. +2
- Have you ever been here? 0
- Stay close to me. 0
- “If you hadn't been there to rescue me, I…”
- You should have known better. +2
- That was dangerous. +3
- You get flustered easily, huh? 0
- “The After School Salon”…?
- Why is it called a salon? 0
- What kind of place is that? 0
- “Today was exhausting, but I also learned a lot. I guess nothing beats practical experience.”
- Couldn’t agree more. +3
- He just wouldn’t give up. 0
- Let's actually go in next time. 0
Rank 3
- “What's up with that, Miss Prez?”
- You have the wrong idea. +2
- So what if we were together? 0
- It's none of your business. 0
- “She thought I was a robot…”
- Don't let it get to you. +2
- You can change. +3
- Beep boop. 0
- “It was crazy to see a picture of her entire collection. She even has a bunch of Buchimaru-kun emoticons!”
- Sounds like you two get along. +3
- Buchimaru-kun? 0
- Okay, calm down. 0
Rank 4
- “So, my class had a practice entrance exam… and my score was significantly lower than last time. I'm concerned…”
- That's unlike you. +2
- Is Thieves work distracting you? 0
- I'm sure you did better than me. 0
- “I spoke to Eiko about this matter as well, but the answer hasn't become any clearer…”
- Eiko? 0
- …Who? 0
- “Even at that, her vision of the future is still clearer than mine.”
- Don't you have goals? 0
- What about college? 0
- What do you mean? 0
- “I sent her a picture… and it's apparently the same brand they use in the nurse's office at school.”
- Why do you use it? +3
- That's adorable. +2
- You're not very ladylike… 0
- “I had completely forgotten about that dream, to be honest…”
- Do you still want to pursue it? 0
- I like a woman in uniform. +2
- It's an amazing goal. +3
Rank 5
- “Since then, he's the only thing she'll talk about. She even sent me a picture of their date at Destinyland.”
- Are you jealous of them? 0
- That's annoying. +2
- He sounds suspicious. +3
- “This time, um… you'll have to play the role of my boyfriend.”
- I got this. +3
- Why do I have to do it? 0
- Only if I can take it seriously. +2
- “But if it turns out he really is toying with Eiko… what should we do…?”
- Fist! Of! Justice! 0
- Report him to the police. 0
- Try to reach out to her. +3
Rank 6 (max rank Charm required)
- Tsukasa: “Are you seriously datin'?”
- We just started. +2
- We're fighting right now. 0
- Love comes in many forms. +3
- “I-I, um…”
- Don't be so pushy. 0
- Back off. 0
- Here, have my number instead. 0
- “Am I just… getting in the way of their happiness?”
- No, you're being considerate. 0
- You worry too much. 0
- Probably a little. 0
- “He uses these weird symbols—I have no idea what he's saying. I want to ignore him, but I shouldn’t for Eiko’s sake…”
- Tell him you’re on a date. +2
- You’re allowed to ignore him. 0
- Fire the same thing back. 0
Rank 7
- “His days and nights are reversed due to his work, so he often sends me a ‘good morning' late at night…”
- Do you think he likes you? 0
- Does Eiko know about this? 0
- “Was I just biased to think that all he wants from Eiko is her money?”
- Probably a little. 0
- You watch too many soap operas. 0
- He's definitely suspicious. 0
- “They suspected that the gang he was investigating hired the driver…”
- Who was their leader? 0
- What gang was it? 0
- “I'm not sure any of that would have happened if not for the incident with my father…”
- That's a horrible story. +3
- Was it tough without him? +2
- He was a noble man. +3
- “That was how my father chose to live his life… Trying to bring justice and order to the world around him.”
- That's admirable. +3
- I'm sure he was happy. +3
- “And more importantly, how do I want to live…?”
- Do you have an answer? +2
- You can figure that out now. +2
- “U serious abt him?”
“Wanna hav a double wedding?”- I'm game if you are. +2
- What are you going to say? 0
- Refuse her, please. +2
- “I don't trust Eiko's boyfriend yet, so… can we keep this up until I can make a call one way or the other?”
- Of course. +2
- I guess so. 0
- It's the role I always hoped for. +3
Rank 8
- “So he calls you his special princess… What do you think?”
- He says that to all his girls. +2
- That's how he ropes you in. +2
- I'm not sure. 0
- “She needs to realize that. You're going to help, right?”
- Absolutely. +3
- What are we going to do? +2
- Eh, she deserves him. +2
Rank 9
Talking to the irritated promoter near the bookstore and choosing “Do you know a Tsukasa?” progresses this event.
- “I dare you!”
- Get away from her! +3
- Your fight's with me. +3
- I'm calling the cops. +3
- “People noticed what happened…”
- We should get out of here. +2
- Follow me. +2
- “I can't believe I actually hit one of my friends…”
- It looked like it hurt. 0
- That was the right move. +2
- You really smacked her. 0
- “How did you ever find somewhere like this…? You know so much.”
- I'm a regular here. +3
- It's a popular meeting spot. +3
- Not as much as you. +2
- “I can't learn about romance by myself…”
- You'll find someone someday. FRIENDSHIP +3
- I'll be your study partner. ROMANCE
- ROMANCE: “Do you… like me?”
- I do. ROMANCE +3
- That's not what I meant. FRIENDSHIP
- “I'd probably never have pulled this off alone. Thank you so much.”
- I'd do anything for you. +3
- Were you scared? 0
- No big deal. 0
Rank 10 (Romance)
- “I think she knew it deep within her heart, and seeing him like that finally helped her realize.”
- That's incredible. +2
- Your slap worked wonders. 0
- I'm so relieved. 0
- “I plan on doing the same as well.”
- Are you stressing over exams? +2
- Back to studying? 0
- For your sister? 0
- “My dream… is to become a police commissioner. That is why I need to study.”
- Police commissioner? 0
- That sounds difficult. +2
- Why did you choose that? 0
- “Instead, I want to head an organization that will destroy the lawless and help rescue victims.”
- What an admirable goal. +3
- That's an amazing dream. +2
- Your father would be proud. +3
- “*giggle* What a funny thought… Studying to become a head of police while working as a thief…”
- Haha, yeah. 0
- It's not funny at all. 0
- Just be careful, OK? +2
- “U-Um…”
- What's wrong? 0
- Do you want to study? 0
Rank 10 (Friendship)
- “I think she knew it deep within her heart, and seeing him like that finally helped her realize.”
- That's incredible. +2
- Your slap worked wonders. 0
- I'm so relieved. 0
- “I plan on doing the same as well.”
- Are you stressing over exams? +2
- Back to studying? 0
- For your sister? 0
- “My dream… is to become a police commissioner. That is why I need to study.”
- Police commissioner? 0
- That sounds difficult. +2
- Why did you choose that? 0
- “Instead, I want to head an organization that will destroy the lawless and help rescue victims.”
- What an admirable goal. +3
- That's an amazing dream. +2
- Your father would be proud. +3
- “Must have been difficult babysitting the uptight Miss President, right?”
- Maybe a bit. +2
- We went through so much… +3
- “*giggle* What a funny thought… Studying to become a head of police while working as a thief…”
- Haha, yeah. 0
- It's not funny at all. 0
- Just be careful, OK? +2