Thor: Love and Thunder has hit cinemas worldwide, and the numbers at the box office are coming up very satisfying for Marvel. However, while the numbers game favors the movie, it seems that critics are a little more split up regarding how they feel about the movie, especially as compared to its predecessor.

While Thor: Ragnarok was among the highest-rated movies in the MCU, Love, and Thunder has received mixed reactions at best. Where Thor: Ragnarok was praised and lauded for its fresh new approach to the franchise with a significant dose of humor and way more colorful visuals than the previous two installments, it seems in Love and Thunder critics are already tired of this approach to the movie and feel that the humor could’ve been benched a little since this movie explored slightly more serious themes.


The movie explores Jane’s struggle with cancer, Gorr’s struggle with his religious capacity, and Thor’s struggle with self-discovery, and the critics felt that the overwhelming humorous tone of the movie undercut the potential for exploring these themes in a more serious manner and the overall duality of the tones simply did not get along well enough for the critics.

But despite these critiques of the movie, it continues to perform amazingly at the box office, even beating its better-reviewed predecessor by opening day numbers. While Thor: Ragnarok brought in an impressive $123 million in North America, Love and Thunder take it up a notch by raking in a nice $143 million which is only $7 million shy of Marvel’s expected return of $150 million on the film.

So, while critics may not entirely agree with the 4th installment of the franchise following the God of Thunder, the numbers speak for themselves and it seems Thor: Love and Thunder is doing exactly what Marvel expects their movies to do, provide good quality family entertainment.


Thor: Love and Thunder is looking strong at the box office, continuing the trend of successful summer movies this year, started by Top Gun: Maverick.
